Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered

Tomb Raider Update Sparks Outrage: Censorship Strikes Again in Gaming

Video Games By Apr 23, 2024 No Comments

Adding the Sensitivity Warning to the Title Screen of the Game Wasn’t Good Enough to Keep Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered From Being Censored

Tomb Raider Update Sparks Outrage: Censorship Strikes Again in Gaming

Alright, gamers, let’s dive into the latest drama with the Tomb Raider trilogy remaster that’s got everyone buzzing—or rather, fuming. It’s time to tackle a fresh wave of controversy that seems to smell suspiciously like censorship and a dash of woke culture run amok.

Here’s the scoop: The remastered collection of the first three Tomb Raider games—classics that defined gaming for many of us—originally featured some vintage promo posters of Lara Croft. These weren’t just any posters; they captured the essence of a gaming icon who was as fearless as she was unapologetically feminine. But guess what? A recent update has scrubbed these images clean from the game. Yep, erased from the copies that fans like you and me already paid for. Does that seem fair to you?

Now, this isn’t just about nostalgia getting a slap in the face; it’s a bigger issue. The removal of these images seems like yet another step in a troubling trend where Crystal Dynamics might be pandering to a vocal minority who find the classic depiction of female characters problematic. It seems they’re hell-bent on sanitizing Lara Croft to fit a modern narrative that strips away the very elements that many fans admired about her.

Tomb Raider Before and After
Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Before and After Update

Let’s call it what it is: censorship. By erasing these images, Crystal Dynamics could be pushing a “safe” portrayal of women that aligns with a woke agenda, sidelining what made Lara Croft a legend to begin with—her strength, independence, and yes, her sex appeal. It’s as if they’re saying that today’s gamers can’t handle a character that was perfectly fine for audiences decades ago.

Related: Lara Croft Going From Tomb Raider to Woke Truth Seeker in New Game

What’s even more insulting? They didn’t even give us a heads-up. They just assumed they could alter the content we paid for, as if we wouldn’t notice or care. This isn’t just about changing graphics or updating controls; it’s about revising history and policing how we should perceive characters that many of us grew up with.

This is also the reason why digital-only games are such an issue. There are NO physical copies anywhere that will still have the original content. The only thing you can do to keep the original game is to NEVER update your digital copy, which could become harder and harder as time goes on.

So, what’s really going on here? Is this truly about rights and legal issues as some might claim, or is it Crystal Dynamics continuing down a path of woke cancel culture, where the portrayal of women must be scrubbed clean of anything deemed too sexy for the sensitive eyes of the modern era?

I want to hear from you. Do you think these changes are a betrayal of what Tomb Raider stood for, or is it just a sign of the times? Drop your thoughts in the comments, or start a topic in the community forums, and let’s keep pushing back against unnecessary censorship in our games. Stay sharp, stay skeptical, and let’s fight keep our games true to their roots.

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